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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Whenever possible, cite retrievable sources.
    The references have DOI y URL of retrieval that leads to the original document.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for consideration in another journal. has been filled Formato de carta de originalidad
  • The file sent will be in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format. PDF is NOT relevant.
  • The title of the article is included in Spanish and English; a thematic summary/abstract; as well as a maximum of five keywords/Keywords.
  • The user information of the authors includes: full names, institution of belonging, country, research areas, email and ORCID identifier.
    It is essential that each and every one of the authors provide their ORCID standard identifier number; For more information, go to
  • The manuscript has removed any reference that shows the authorship of the work before the evaluation of blind peers. This includes the need for the title of the work not to replicate previous publications.
  • The text must adhere to the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The document meets the requirements for bibliographic references, according to the APA standard.
    Special attention should be paid to the format of the bibliography. Any article whose bibliography does not correspond solely and exclusively to the works cited in the text and vice versa will be rejected.
  • Aspects on which the authors will be evaluated. Formato de dictamen
  • In addition, there must be no electronic trace of authorship in the properties of the Word file.
  • By submitting the manuscript, you agree to participate as a potential evaluator in future work by third parties.
  • Verify the order of the authors in the article file.
  • The text is written impersonally.
  • If abbreviations are mentioned, verify that the first time they are mentioned their meaning is broken down.

Author Guidelines

Housing and Sustainable Communities aimed at specialists, researchers, postgraduate students and academics. Receive articles on completed scientific research or its advances, on issues related to housing, cities, sustainable communities, rural settlements, from the perspective of social sciences, architecture, urban planning, engineering and design, for being a multidisciplinary magazine, where the theoretical, conceptual or practical discussion is addressed, with new approaches and original and frontier knowledge, with the aim of disseminating and sharing knowledge on these issues, to those interested in sustainable housing and its urban context and territorial. The editorial structure of the journal includes scientific research articles and a section for book reviews.

Housing and Sustainable Communities edited and financed by the University of Guadalajara and the National Laboratory of Housing and Sustainable Communities, is a biannual publication, open access, in PDF edition format, documents in Spanish or English are accepted and will be subject to revision. by double-blind pairs.

There are no charges for the sending, dictation, publication or any other editorial process of the documents.

Sustainable Housing and Communities maintains codes of ethics for reviewers, authors, and publishers based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) codes to those of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Requirements for submitting originals

The articles that are postulated for their possible publication in Housing and Sustainable Communities must submit the following complete documentation and in its final version through the Open Journal System interface. Applications that are not sent by this means will not be accepted:

  1. Originality and non-duplication letter format, this letter must be filled with the data of the author or authors and, in the case of articles with two or more authors, the data of each and every one of them must be provided. The signing author must be identified as responsible for the text, as well as the corresponding author.
  2. Attach the complete content of the article being postulated and the additional files, in its final version. Changes will not be accepted once the process has started.

The works presented to the Housing and Sustainable Communities magazine must be unpublished (not previously published) and their authors undertake not to submit them simultaneously to the consideration of other publications.

Requirements for the delivery of originals

For the delivery of the material, the following criteria must be taken into consideration:

  1. Submit the textual content in files in electronic format for word processing, without a password (sending PDF files is NOT relevant to the editorial process).
  2. Submit photographs and images in electronic files in jpg format (or compatible) with at least 300 dpi resolution. It is essential to attach the graphs, tables or charts in a separate spreadsheet. Images of graphs, charts or tables are not relevant to the editorial process.
  3. Have the rights to reproduce graphic material, images, photography, artistic work, etc., either by the author (authors) or by third parties.

Once the application requirements have been fulfilled, the postulated text will be sent to the Opinion.


Payments are not issued or received for submissions, processing and publication of texts.

The contributions received must be original results derived from a high-level academic work and attached to the focus and scope presented by the journal.

If the article is associated with funding sources, the project, scholarship or sponsoring institution must be specified in the submission form.


Co-authored articles with a maximum of three authors (that is, one author and up to two co-authors) are accepted. The participation of research assistants will be recognized only through footnotes.

Documents are received throughout the year, but authors may not submit more than one collaboration for the same number, regardless of whether they appear as the first author or in another order.

The journal accepts the participation of authors outside the publishing entity.

Neither can their articles be submitted for opinion in two consecutive numbers. Only in case your document has been rejected, at the following number you will be able to avoid a different document for evaluation.

It is essential that each and every one of the authors provide their ORCID standard identifier number; for more information, go to

The authors must guarantee an anonymous review from the first submission of the material and in the rest of the versions of the article.

Item Structure:

Documents are received in Spanish or English.


The entire document must have Arial font, 12 points, single line spacing. The pages must be foliated from the first to the last in the lower right margin. In Microsoft Word format. The length of which should not exceed 10,000 words or be less than 5,000.

- Title of the article: written in capital letters "TITLE" in bold, with a maximum of 15 words. It should be concise and informative.

- Keywords: word 1; word 2; word 3; word; word 5. (Include at least three keywords maximum five), which allow identifying the thematic area addressed by the article.


- An abstract that does not exceed 250 words, in which the general structure of the article is reproduced; that is, where it is explained strictly following the following organization and specifying the following points:


  1. Objective(s): This section describes the purpose of the document (it explains what is intended to be achieved with the results of the study).


  1. Methodology: Briefly describe the methods used to carry out the study, the design of the experiment, the selection of the population or sample, and/or the statistical techniques used to analyze the data.


  1. Results: Mention the discoveries and their interpretation.


  1. Limitations/implications: Define limits in time, space, resources and scope of the investigation.


  1. Originality/value: Briefly describe the originality and value of the contribution, based on a review of the literature on the topic of interest. The contribution of work to a certain discipline.


  1. Findings / Conclusions: Implications of the results and their relationship with the purpose of the investigation.

- Abstract, English translation of both the title of the article and the abstract and keywords.


- The body of the article must include an Introduction that clearly reflects the background of the work, the method or analysis strategy used, development, results, conclusions and bibliography. If the author(s) so considers it, sections and sections properly hierarchical and differentiated may be presented only with the use of typography (without using Arabic or Roman numerals).


- The use of bold is only allowed in the title of the sections or paragraphs of the article, in case you want to highlight an idea or phrase you can use italics.


- Notes, if they contain them, which must appear at the bottom of the page, with continuous numbering and will be used only to make comments and clarifications.


- Graphs, tables and schemes, if they contain them, which will be presented ready to be edited, that is, imported from Excel to Word and placed in the appropriate places in the text. It will be properly recognized when they are elaborated by others, and in case of being of own elaboration, it is detailed.


- Bibliography, which will consist exclusively of the cited works; Therefore, documents consulted but not referred to in the text should not be included. It should appear at the end of the text in alphabetical order. Bibliographic references will be made according to APA (American Psychological Association) standards.

- Citations, APA style is used.

- Use of bibliographic managers: Priority will be given to articles sent with electronically managed bibliography, and with active hyperlinks to the respective DOI, in all cases that correspond, and presented with the APA standard. The authors may resort to the use of any manager available on the market (Reference Manager, Crossref or Mendeley among others), or open source such as Refworks or Zotero.


- Reviews should examine recent works from the perspective of social sciences, architecture, urban planning, engineering and design that have had an impact on the scientific community.

- On the first page, the bibliographic record of the work must be included with the following information: Name and Surname(s) (Year). Title. Place: Publisher.

- The review must meet the same technical characteristics required for articles and may not exceed 2,000 words or be less than 1,300.

Author's Curriculum Summary

Authors must attach a Word document specifying:

- Full name of the author(s)

- Affiliation institution and country of each of the authors, indicating the first level institution

- Current academic degree of the author(s), specifying the full name of the institution where it was obtained.

- Research area and/or keywords.

- and email of the author(s).


- Every textual citation must be accompanied by its corresponding bibliographical reference, which must include a page number (p. xx). If the source does not provide a page number, the paragraph number must be indicated (para. xx). If the document uses headings, cite the heading and the following paragraph number (heading name, par. xx).

- Latin words will be omitted, such as: cfr., cf., Ibid, Ibidem, Op. Cit, etc.

- To enclose the quotes, the tall quotation marks (" ") and, within them, the simple ones (' ') will be used.

- When an unnecessary passage is deleted from the citation, an ellipsis will be used to indicate such deletion without framing it in brackets or parentheses.

- When a passage is added to the citation by the author, parentheses will be used to indicate it.

- If you want to emphasize a word or words in a quote, write them down in italics. Immediately after the words in italics, insert “italics added” between square brackets, like this: “[italics added]”.

- Quotations of more than forty words will be indented (the entire paragraph and not the first line), without quotation marks and written in Arial 11.


Miele (1993) found that:

The "placebo effect" which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when the behaviors were studied in this way. Furthermore, the behaviors were no longer present, even when dizzying [sic] drugs were administered. The first studies (Abudllah, 1984; Fox, 1979) were clearly premature in attributing the results to the placebo effect (p. 276).


- When citing sources, either directly or paraphrasing the author, the author, year of publication and page number (in the case of a textual citation) must be provided in parentheses and separated by commas:

Ex. 1: Precisely, this trend has been considered "a widely noted epistemological obstacle in communication research" (Vassallo, 1999, p. 20).

Ex. 2: Under the same idea, Wright (1975) emphasizes that the study of communicators, worldwide, has been neglected to give investigative attention to the other components of the research process.

Example 3: In Uruguay, the offer of Argentine and Brazilian telenovelas, on its screens, is the one with the highest percentage, almost three quarters of the total fiction shown on its television screens (Sánchez, 2009).

- In the case of referring to various sources, they must be in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons (;).

Eg: Even in some authors who openly subscribe to the last of the trends mentioned (Atwood, 1978; Montero et al., 2001; Ruiz, 1998), one of the most pronounced features is evident.

- When a cited work has two authors, always cite both names each time the reference appears within the text.

- When a work has between three and five authors, cite them all the first time the reference is presented; in subsequent citations, include only the last name of the first author, followed by “et al.” (without italics and with a period after “to”) and the year, if it is the first citation of the reference of a paragraph.

Eg: Wasserstein, Zappullla, Rosen, Gerstman, and Rock (1993) found that [first citation in text]

Wasserstein et al. (1993) found that [subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter]

Wasserstein et al. found that (omit the year in subsequent citations after the first citation within a paragraph).

- When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first of them followed by "et al." (without italics and with a period after “al”.)

Bibliographic references

- Periodical publications with DOI (digital object identifier):

  • Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year of publication). Article title.

Title of the scientific journal, xx(xx), xxx-xxx. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxx

Ex: Craig, I. D., Plume, A. M., McVeigh, M. E., Pringle, J. & Amin, M. (2007). Do open access articles have greater citation impact?: A critical review of the literature. Journal of Informetrics, 1(3), 239-248. doi:10.1016/j.joi.2007.04.001

- Online periodicals without DOI:

  • Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year of publication). Article title.

Title of the scientific journal, xx (xx), xxx-xxx. Retrieved from http://www...


Loyal Carter, F. (2013). About the theory. Spiral, 20(57). Retrieved from

Note: “xx(xx), xxx-xxx” refers to “volume (number), first page of the article-final page of the article”. If the magazine does not have a number or volume, it is omitted.

- Periodical publications without doi or online version:


  • Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year of publication). Article title.


Title of the scientific journal, xx (xx), xxx-xxx.

Ex: Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C., Berry, A. & Harloww, T. (1983). There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: the importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65(6), 1190-1204.

- Non-periodic publications:

  • Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Work title. Location: Publisher.

Ex: Robinson, D.N. (Ed.) (1992). Social discourse and moral judgment. San Diego: Academic Press.

- Part of a non-periodical publication (e.g., a book chapter):

  • Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of the work (pp. xxx-xxx). Location: Publisher.


Eg: Hartmann, M. (2006). The triple articulation of ITCs. Media as technological objects, symbolic environments and individual texts. In T. Berker, M. Hartmann, Y. Punie & K. Ward (Eds.), Domestication of media and technology (pp. 80-102). Berkshire: Open University Press.

- Electronic document:

  • Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of the work [type of document]. Retrieved from (electronic source/URL)

Eg: Nassi-Calò, L. (May 10, 2017). Gender disparities in science persist despite significant advances [blog post]. Retrieved from

- Written press (daily):

  • Author, A. A. (Complete date day, month and year). Article title. Title of the newspaper, p. pages).

Example: Rello, M. (April 4, 2010). Four out of ten children eat fried “lunch”. Public, p. 14.

Ex. 2 (editorial): Stress, cops and suicide [Editorial]. (December 1, 1993). New York Times, p. A22

Ex. 3 (online version): Díaz, C. E. (June 3, 2010). Airlines are recovered. Public. Retrieved from

Ex. 4 (no author): Generic Prozac debuts. (August 3, 2001). The Washington Post, p. E1, E4.

- Technical reports:

Agency (not abbreviated) (date). Report title. Place: Publisher

Ex: National Institute of Mental Health (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness. Washington, DC: US. Government Printing Office.

Ex. 2 (viewed online): Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (2007) Sectoral Program for Communications and Transportation 2007-2012. Retrieved on January 14, 2009 from



Double-blind peer review process:

Articles will be submitted for evaluation by the Editorial Committee with the support of the Expert Advisory Committees in the field through the double-blind peer review process: the result will be announced to the author electronically by email and it may be: a) approved, b) approved with modifications, or c) rejected. In the case of b), the observations will be sent to the author and he will have three calendar days to send the corrections: if the author does comply with the established time, the paper will not be considered for publication.

Once the text is accepted, a member of the Editorial Committee will contact the author to review editorial details of the final version. Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, further changes will not be allowed. 


-Reviews must examine recent research from the perspective of the social sciences, the architecture, urbanism, engineering and design that have caused an impact in the scientific community.

-The first page should include the bibliographical data of the work with the following information: Name and Last name (s) (Year). Title. Place: Editorial.

- The review must comply with the same technical characteristics required for the articles and may not exceed 2 000 words or be less than 1 300 words.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement:

The information provided by the authors (name, email and telephone) will be used exclusively for the purposes established therein and will not be provided to third parties for other purposes. 

See privacy policy of the University of Guadalajara:ítica-de-privacidad-y-manejo-de-datos