Green infrastructure as a transformation strategytowards sustainable urbanism
green infrastructure, sustainability, urbanization, biodiversityAbstract
The elements that make up the urban growth on the territory represent an impact, generated from the relationship that exists between the use of natural resources and the actions that users perform on the natural landscape. This generates a series of changes in the exploitation of the territory, of a socioeconomic nature, that contributes to the degradation of the natural and urban environment. It is necessary to propose different ways of understanding cities and their adjacent natural areas, based on systemic and holistic approaches, with which it is feasible to identify and understand the various interactions between natural, social, economic, and cultural elements at different scales in time and space. Urbanization has caused profound changes due to the way in which human beings relate to their environment. Cities have evolved and transformed structurally and functionally with unexpected results, which are manifested in high levels of social segregation and spatial fragmentation.Metrics
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