Constructing an analysis method for urban collective identities




collective identity, collective memory, sense of belonging, shared symbols and city


Despite the movement of collective identities, societies maintain cultural elements linked to belonging and, in general, to their own characterization as collectives and individuals. In cities, identities deserve an analysis focused not only on the urban scaffolding but in a much more complex structure that delves into the daily collective life of the modern world. It is in this sense that ethnographic research proposes new methodological approaches for the treatment of identities, especially in the continuous socio-spatial reconfigurations where the inhabitants construct particular perceptions of the city, but at the same time shared and replicated in a spatial and temporal period. More dynamic than ever. The proposal focuses not only on conceptual development but also on methodological structuring through elements such as categories, indicators, observables, sources, and tools with which urban sociology can be treated. Consequently, the work leads to retake dimensional aspects of the object of study proposing a common scenario, which could undoubtedly be adjusted according to certain contexts and potential characteristics of urbanization. The purpose of the presentation is directed towards a continuous collaboration on the structural contents of the methodological treatment for collective identities, taking theoretical references of the collective identity as constructions that de ne societies with respect to others and that at the same time and a variation between their agglomerates (Gimenez, 2008).


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Author Biography

Diego Nápoles Franco, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Research Professor at the University of Guadalajara. University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities, Doctor in City, Territory, and Sustainability. The University of Guadalajara, research areas: Urban Sociology. He has certifications in teacher training and foreign languages ​​from the Jyväskylä University in Finland (Teaching Through English in Higher Education) and the University of Cambridge (English Language Assessment). Graduated from the 7th generation of the leadership and innovation seminar in higher education from Harvard University, Boston College, Babson College, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


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How to Cite

Nápoles Franco, D. (2020). Constructing an analysis method for urban collective identities. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (7), 9–15.