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Vivienda y Comunidades Sustentables (Housing and Sustainable Communities), year 9, No. 17, january - june 2025 is a semestral publication edited by the Universidad de Guadalajara (University of Guadalajara), through the Laboratorio Nacional de Vivienda y Comunidades Sustentables LNVCS (National Laboratory of Housing and Sustainable Communities) Conahcyt, at the Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño located on Calzada Independencia Norte No. 5075 Edificio LNVCS, Col. Huentitán El Bajo, 44250, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Tel. (+52 33) 1202-3000 Extension 38783. E-mail: y web: Editor: José Arturo Gleason Espíndolaz. Exclusive Reservation of Rights Number: 04-2016-111115122500-203 ISSN: 2594-0198, awarded by the National Institute of Copyright. Last update by: Celina Yunuén Castillo Moya, Calzada Independencia Norte 5075, Edificio LNVCS, Col. Huentitán el Bajo, C.P. 44250, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Date of the last modification: January 01, 2025, with print-run one copy.
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