Evaluation of the petatillo made with cement-sand mortar as an alternative material for the construction of the prefabricated roof component Domotej





Domotej, petatillo, compressive strenght


Derived from the need to create alternative materials that meet the demand in the construction sector, the company Siace Tic’s has developed the prefabricated component Domotej, to be used in the girder and girder system. This component is made with pieces of baked clay called pellets, but, being a secondary material of manufacture, is not easy to obtain, especially during the rainy season, reason why in the present work an alternative material was developed to the petatillo of cooked clay, with cement-sand, being the ratio 1:5.5 the most appropriate according to their mechanical physical characteristics, of simple elaboration either in situ or in plant, with which Domotej specimens were elaborated, thus eliminating the dependence of the clay petatillo Cooked and able to market the final product at all times of the year.


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How to Cite

González García, E., Castañeda Nolasco, G., & Ruiz Torres, R. P. (2018). Evaluation of the petatillo made with cement-sand mortar as an alternative material for the construction of the prefabricated roof component Domotej. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (2), 105–111. https://doi.org/10.32870/rvcs.v0i2.16