Mitigation and adaptation of the urban heat island effect in hot dry climate

The case of Hermosillo, Sonora




Hot Dry Climate, Quality of life, Sustainable Urbanism, Urban Heat Island


In the city of Hermosillo, Sonora in the past decades, land use, urban surface, population density, vehicular traffic and population activities have been modified, generating changes in urban climatology, resulting in the phenomenon called Urban Heat Island (UHI), which deteriorates environmental conditions and urban habitability, especially in vulnerable communities with a hot dry climate (Ruiz, Correa, & Cantón, 2012). Thus, knowing the location and morphology of the UHI is relevant in terms of urban planning, as a design tool for its analysis and mitigation and to increase the resilience of the city against the effects of climate change. The purpose of this paper is to identify the causes that lead to the formation of this phenomenon, such as the replacement of natural for artificial surfaces, the choice of materials in the urban environment and their geometry, and the increase in anthropogenic heat generated by vehicular traffic and the high demand for air conditioning systems due to the high temperatures characteristic of the hot dry climate. Also to present the effects to the population that intervene in the formation of ICU in the urban area of Hermosillo, in relation to the deterioration of the environment and health, that allow propose and validate the use of mitigation strategies.


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Author Biography

Laura Mercado Maldonado, University of Sonora, Mexico

Division of Humanities and Fine Arts. University of Sonora, Mexico. Architect graduated from the Architecture program of the University of Sonora, generation 1999-2004, graduated through a study related to Sustainable Architecture called ¨Thermal Evaluation of Bioclimatic House¨. During her professional training she worked in a renowned architectural firm in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, starting her professional activity as an independent architect in 2010. She has worked professionally in development and management of architectural and urban projects of different genres and scale, as well as in project administration. Currently she works as an indeterminate professor of the Architecture program at the University of Sonora, in areas of Architectural Design, Research Development and Degree Seminar. Research area: Urbanism, Urban Heat Island, hot dry climate, sustainable architecture.


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How to Cite

Mercado Maldonado, L. (2022). Mitigation and adaptation of the urban heat island effect in hot dry climate: The case of Hermosillo, Sonora. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (11), 85–110.