The right to adequate housing. Consequences of the deficiency of the Mexican legal framework. Case: Fractionation Yacatitas, Yuriria, Guanajuato, Mexico




adequate housing, legal framework, residential satisfaction.


Having a home is not just a moral pretension. In Mexico, since the 2011 reforms in the eld of human rights, enjoying adequate housing has be- come a legal obligation, but is it really guaranteed that homes have the minimum parameters to be considered adequate? Undoubtedly, infrastructure, habitability, a ordability, location and the en- vironment are some of the parameters of housing that are not always met. The purpose of this text is to contribute to the debate on the de nition and scope of the right to adequate housing; as well as studying the perception of the inhabitants of the Yacatitas subdivision in Yuriria, Guanajuato, where the de ciency of the legal framework generated inadequate housing conditions, provoking the activation of legal actions to appeal the right to adequate housing in accordance with the international treaties.


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Author Biography

Luz Ileana Jiménez Pineda, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico

Lawyer, Master in Processes and Graphic Expression in Architectural and Urban Projection at the University of Guadalajara.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Pineda, L. I. (2018). The right to adequate housing. Consequences of the deficiency of the Mexican legal framework. Case: Fractionation Yacatitas, Yuriria, Guanajuato, Mexico. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (3), 87–100.