Evaluation of a rainwater harvesting system in a company in Leon, Guanajuato





rainwater harvesting, private sector, water and economic benefits and sustainability


Objective: to evaluate the water and economic results of a Rainwater Harvesting System (scall) implemented in a service sector company in the city of Leon, Guanajuato. Environmental Promo- ter: pasa. Methodology: the study consisted of a compa- rative study between the physical consumption of water and the payment for the supply service made by pasa between the year prior to the im- plementation of the scall and the first year of operation of the system. Previously, a feasibility study of the return on investment (cost-benefit) was considered to implement the scall within the pasa facilities. Results: in the first year of implementation of the scall, the company obtained a 38% reduction in the volume of water consumed from the mu- nicipal drinking water service, which similarly represented an economic saving in the payment of the service of 42.3%, this with respect to the year prior to the installation of scall; likewise, the return on investment for this first year was 72.7%. Limitations: the study focused on the evalua- tion of the economic and liquid results of the sca- ll and described in a limited way the technical part of the system. Originality: show in an empirical case the po- sitive results of implementing scalls in users of the productive and commercial sector. Findings: limited documented experiences of scall in the economic sector in Mexico were identified. Conclusions: disseminate the implementation of scall as an alternative form of supply in in- dustrial-commercial-service users of Leon that add to the rest of the extraction of groundwater.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Tagle Zamora, Universidad de Guanajuato, México

Full-time professor-researcher in the Department of Social Studies of the University of Guanajuato, Campus León. Doctor in Economic Sciences from the Autonomous Metropolitan University. Member of the National System of Researchers Level 1 and head of the Consolidated Academic Body 179-UG Water, Energy and Climate Change. His lines of research are: urban water management; urban solid waste management; ecotechniques; adaptation and mitigation for climate change, as well as decarbonization processes in large cities.

Alex Caldera Ortega, Universidad de Guanajuato, México

Professor-researcher in the Department of Public Management and Development of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, Leon Campus of the University of Guanajuato (UG). Doctor in Research in Social Sciences, mention in Political Science, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Mexico academic headquarters. Member of the National System of Researchers Level 1. Conducts research in the area of ​​political science, particularly public policy. He was director of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities of the León Campus of the University of Guanajuato. Em member of the Academic Body Water, Energy and Climate Change; He currently works on issues of water management, waste and actions for mitigation and adaptation of climate change in cities.  

Juan Antonio Rodríguez González, Universidad de Guanajuato, México

Sociologist. Master's Degree in Regional Development from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Guadalajara. He did a postdoctoral stay in the research group of Dr. Enrique de la Garza. He was director of the Department of Social Studies and Academic Secretary of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities. His line of research deals with companies and entrepreneurs in local development. He is responsible for and founder of the Labor Observatory for Social Studies, and the Laboratory of Public Policies for Local Development. He is coordinator and founder of the Permanent Seminar on Labor Studies. Member of the sni of Conacyt.  


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How to Cite

Tagle Zamora, D., Caldera Ortega, A., & Rodríguez González, J. A. (2022). Evaluation of a rainwater harvesting system in a company in Leon, Guanajuato. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (12), 147–163. https://doi.org/10.32870/rvcs.v0i12.212

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