Transformations towards Sustainability

Validation of an Ecosystems Ontology for Urban Contexts




urban contexts, transformation, complex systems, ecosistems


While international agreements point to an increase in consensus towards sustainability from within urban contexts, there are problems to reach such increases in the differing approaches to achieve them. It is then intended, from a phenomenological perspective, to understand a transversal and multiscalar ontology with which characteristics or traits in these urban contexts can be identified that can increase or decrease their conduciveness towards sustainability. For this purpose, fundamentals are proposed based on a deductive methodology with a non-quanti- tative axiomatic approach where the understandings of the terms are intertwined with different disciplinary approaches that are considered necessary, such as ecology, well-being, and complex systems. From this exercise, operating models are derived that allow the definition of structures and general characteristics for urban contexts and their transformations towards sustainability. From these ontological foundations, a methodological procedure is then carried out to validate them, which consists of a matrix of weighted relationships that contrast success cases cited from a consultation with experts against the ontological foundations, obtaining results that point to four fundamental capacities in the urban (eco)systems: componential capacities, balance capabilities, recursion capabilities, and integration capabilities. Although the results are not ascribed to a particular discipline, it is expected to establish the bases for the elaboration of methodological approaches that contribute towards the public and social management of ur- ban transformations, increasing the conductivity for these contexts towards global sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Cotera, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Director of the Architecture Program of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. Architect and Master in Strategic Foresight with experience in coordinating planning groups and projects; design; teaching and promotion of alternative modes of urban regeneration, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. Research area: Urban sustainability, Urban prospective.

Jesús Manuel Fitch Osuna, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México

Full-time Professor, Tenured B. Institution of affiliation Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico. PhD in Urban Management and Valuation, Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Research area: Urban management and planning, Environmental, urban and real estate valuation. He is a Member of the National System of CONACYT Researchers since 2008, currently Level II.


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How to Cite

Cotera, P., & Fitch Osuna, J. M. (2023). Transformations towards Sustainability: Validation of an Ecosystems Ontology for Urban Contexts. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (13), 113–132.