Homeless people, lots of light and lots of noise, even though they are not seen or heard





homeless people, living conditions, housing, exclusion, homelessness


From the perspective of social intervention, we want to emphasize, while making visible, the different problems that homelessness brings to people considered in this way. To this end, the characteristics and nightlife conditions of homeless people in a central area of the city of Mal- aga (Spain) are analyzed, using direct non-participant observation and interviews as the main tools. The random sample has been made up of 27 homeless people within a radius of 4.5 km, in the indicated territorial area, situating their small number as an element of weakness and limitation, however, it provides an approach to a reality little analyzed. After analyzing the results, they show that all the participants spend the nights in well-lit areas with a high level of noise pollution, they also settle near social resources, wealthy accommodation or shopping centers to meet their basic needs. The need for studies of these characteristics that address issues that improve the well-being of these people will favor changes in intervention models, as well as an approach to the general population, seeking to prioritize this in social protection policies collective, while influencing the socio-sanitary aspects that affect them.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Arredondo Quijada, University of Malaga, Spain

PhD from the University of Malaga, Department of Social Psychology, Social Work and Social Services and Social Anthropology. University of Malaga (Spain). Research area and/or keywords: Housing, minors and young people, addictions.

Natalia Del Pino-Brunet, University of Malaga, Spain

Graduated in Social Education from the University of Granada. She graduated in Social Work from the International University of La Rioja. Master's Degree in Mediation from the University of Malaga and Master's Degree in Teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching Specialty Training and Job Guidance in Education from the University of Malaga. She is currently FPU at the University of Malaga. Department of Social Psychology, Social Work and Social Services and Social Anthropology. University of Malaga (Spain). Research area and/or keywords: Immigration, risk behaviors, radicalism and youth.


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How to Cite

Arredondo Quijada, R., & Del Pino-Brunet, N. (2023). Homeless people, lots of light and lots of noise, even though they are not seen or heard. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (14), 59–70. https://doi.org/10.32870/rvcs.v0i13.248