Determining elements of housing satisfaction in Mexico: analysis by estimating an Ordered Probit Model




housing satisfaction, ordered probit model, econometrics


This paper performs an analysis of the elements that determine housing satisfaction, as well as evaluates the probability that a household may be satisfied with it. For this purpose, an Ordered Probit Model was estimated. The data was collected from the National Housing Survey, 2020. In particular, this paper estimates the probability of satisfaction concerning specific variables to the housing and the environment. The main findings are households in lower socioeconomic levels are the most dissatisfied with their housing. When estimating the Ordered Probit Model, it is found that having a dining room, garage, water tank, and garden increases the probability of satisfaction, while suffering from humidity and subsidence decreases levels of satisfaction. Likewise, the presence of garbage and noise in the area decreases the probability of satisfaction.


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Author Biography

Naim Manriquez Garcia, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, México

PhD in Regional Economics from the Socioeconomic Research Center of the Autonomous University of Coahuila. Institution of affiliation Center for Territorial and Habitat Studies. Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. Investigation area. Urban economics, statistics, econometrics and data science.


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How to Cite

Manriquez Garcia, N. (2023). Determining elements of housing satisfaction in Mexico: analysis by estimating an Ordered Probit Model. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (14).