Interstitial spaces: their functionality and connectivity with the city
Urban interstice, Socio-spatial relationships, Habitability, Functionality, ConnectivityAbstract
The accelerated growth of cities has left in its wake the formation of interstices in the peripheries, spaces characterized by the lack of attention, evidenced in their conditions of deterioration and contamination, a fact that has repercussions on the type of use given to them. In this sense, the aim of the study is to analyze the type of socio-spatial relations required in the interstice between the neighborhood and the city; in which a mixed methods approach was implemented based on the application of a perception questionnaire and a field record, which considered socio-spatial relations, functionality and connectivity as variables. The research was carried out during the period from August 2021 to December 2022, in the interstices adjacent to the Los Encinos neighborhood, located in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. The results showed differences in the functionality of the interstice based on physical and visual permeability and proximity to infrastructure and equipment. In this sense, it was shown that the connectivity of the environment conditions the use of interstitial spaces and weakens their socio-spatial relations. The contribution of this paper focused on showing that these spaces, commonly characterized in various studies as having little or no use, do present appropriations: ephemeral or long-lasting, which is limited to the perceived conditions of connectivity and security.Metrics
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