Constructive Technologies With Bamboo. A Sustainable Responsefor Housing in the Huasteca Area of San Luis Potosí




bamboo, technologies and alternative materials, sustainable housing


The house has been one of the objects of greater interest for the research, as well as it is also for the design of technical and architectural solutions of the habitable spaces. In particular, social housing is a matter of high priority for the country, given the high percentage of the population that does not have decent housing. The bamboo, known as “vegetable steel”, which is produced in multiple regions of Latin America with a warm humid climate, represents an input with characteristics suitable for building that make it a natural resource susceptible to be used as a material for low-cost housing construction. To generate sustainable architectural proto-types using bamboo as a constructive element constitutes the main objective of this paper, which aims to place in value the house with the quali cation of sustainable, not only because of the saving of transport and the energy of industrialized inputs to the communities, but from its technical-architectonic conception and considering how to reach the probable auto-construction of the houses by means of training and technical assistance to future users. The applied methodology considers, firstly, the compilation of information on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the plant, as well as proposals for architectural prototypes for urban and rural housing. The results are prototypes of housing with an alternative constructive system based on bamboo and buildable in rural and urban areas with the possibility of being built and that will improve the quality of life of the families living in these regions.


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Author Biography

Gerardo Javier Arista González, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Born on October 6, 1955 in the city of San Luis Potosí. He completed his undergraduate studies at the UASLP School of Architecture. (1973–1978). During 1978, as an intern, he spent six months at the Legorreta-Arquitectos firm, and in that same year he participated with a group of teachers and students in the SONTLAN contest, for Housing Design with the use of Solar Energy, convened by the government of Germany through the SAHOP. Mexico, having obtained first place in the urban-architectural project called "Las Barrancas Integral System" in B.C.S., and third place in the design of a housing complex called "Casas Solares en Mexicali" in B.C.N. His experience in the field of social housing dates back to 1981, the year in which he joined INFONAVIT, S.L.P., until May 1993 and from this date to February 1995, he served as State Housing Delegate of ISSSTE in the State. He has been a university professor since 1978, a thesis adviser in the Architecture Career since 1981, and a full-time teacher at the Faculty of Habitat of the UASLP since May 2004. In June of this year he obtained the Master's degree in Valuation granted from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, unit León, with the thesis "Methodologies for the Valuation of Businesses in Progress" (2000-2004) and later the degree of Doctor in the DADU, Doctorate in Architecture, Design and Urbanism, based at the Faculty of Architecture, from the Autonomous University of Morelos, with the theme "Participatory Self-Production. Female gender, Financing and Alternative Technologies" (2004-2009).


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How to Cite

Arista González, G. J. (2017). Constructive Technologies With Bamboo. A Sustainable Responsefor Housing in the Huasteca Area of San Luis Potosí. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (2), 29–38.

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