Housing and context. Development of modular devices for rain water harvesting.
architecture, housing, contextual analysis, modular design, rainwater harvestingAbstract
Architecture is conceived as the dialectic interplay between habitat and inhabitant, shaping the spatial framework for daily activities. Housing, as the fundamental expression of architectural principles, establishes a profound nexus between inhabitants and their immediate surroundings. Within a Heideggerian conceptión, comprehending dwell as an existential being-in-the-world underscores the imperative to strategically mitigate the impact of Gestell for sustainable future development. In the Mexican context, housing is constitutionally recognized as a social right, delineated by the provisions of Constitutional Article 4 and Housing Law Article 2, mandating considerations for optimal habitability conditions. Nevertheless, an examination of the housing-environment interface reveals that the stipulated minimum water allocation for dwellings up to 99 square meters—150 liters of water per inhabitant per day—significantly contributes to environmental degradation. Consequently, the principal objective of this study is to devise alternative rainwater harvesting mechanisms within architectural frameworks, employing a comprehensive mixed-methods methodology. This approach initiates with an architectural analysis encompassing spatial, material, and climatic dimensions. Subsequently, an exhaustive interior and exterior reconfiguration of a housing case study is conducted to proffer solutions aligned with the qualitative aspects of habitability in spatial environments.Metrics
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