Public Green Sapce Need Index in the municipality of Guadalajara 2018-2021
Desigualdad socio espacial, Espacios públicos, Índice, Políticas públicas localesAbstract
The objective of this paper is to develop a tool to diagnose the need for public green spaces in the municipality of Guadalajara, and to analyze the socio-spatial congruence of the different municipal actions regarding the creation and improvement of such spaces. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology was implemented to develop an index with the support of Geographic Information Systems, incorporating the variables of population density, density of public green spaces and socioeconomic level; subsequently, a geolocalized inventory of the actions of the Pocket Parks and 100 Parks programs was carried out. A qualitative section based on interviews with public officials is also included in order to learn about the management and decision-making processes regarding the location of the actions of these programs. The results show the socio-spatial inequality in the distribution of public green spaces, the degree of congruence that the actions of these programs had, and the logic of decision making in this regard, noting the potential of pocket parks to improve access to these spaces in marginalized neighborhoods. The scope of this study is at the municipal level during the 2028-2021 administration, and only involves two programs; however, its value lies in putting on the table the relevance of seeking spatial justice criteria in decision-making regarding public green spaces, which are essential for the sustainable development of our cities.Metrics
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