Green infrastructure as a flood prevention measure in social interest housing complexes in arid area
green infrastructure, flooding, stormwater, sewage system, sustainable drainageAbstract
Objective(s): Diagnose the effectiveness of the integration of green infrastructure (GI) for flood mitigation in low-income housing complexes located in the urban area of ??the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. Methodology: For the diagnosis, the efficiency of the incorporation of GI techniques proposed by IMPLAN (2019) in its Manual of Green Infrastructure Design Guidelines for Mexican Municipalities was calculated, incorporating the techniques: rain garden, micro-basin garden and permeable concrete in nine different scenarios. Results: For the nine scenarios, average runoff reduction percentages were obtained ranging from 24.56% to more than 100%. Limitations/implications: The research project is carried out specifically in the common areas of low-income housing located within an arid area, considering that the types of soil and the dimensions of the surfaces of interest were determined by satellite images, without considering the surface slopes for the selection of GI techniques. Originality/value: This work seeks to contribute to the sustainability of cities through green infrastructure, analyzing the possible improvements resulting from modifications in the infrastructures that compose social interest housing complexes in order to reduce the volumes of stormwater runoff. Findings/Conclusions: It has been demonstrated in this study that the application of green infrastructure techniques can potentially contribute to reducing runoff, either by using a single technique or a combination of them.Metrics
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