Antegration and analysis of co-benefits as an efficient as an projects strategy for the future of the city: policies, conflicts and opportunities




sustainability, co-benefits, city, policies, climate change


Sustainability has been presented as an integra- tive strategy between the economic, social and environmental sectors in order to preserve vital resources. Today, a challenge detected for cities, is to be able to meet the objectives imposed through this concept. Among this challenge, it is important to highlight the problem associated with generating measures that serve a single sec- tor, and thus, the approach of various side e ects that come included in the process falls short. So, how is it possible to identify and integrate these collateral measures (co-benefits) from the various areas of intervention within the urban environment field, detonating these as potentialities for the e cient development of the city?


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Author Biography

Dulce Esmeralda García Ruiz, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Doctor in City, Territory and Sustainability from the University of Guadalajara. Architect and Teacher from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara. 


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How to Cite

García Ruiz, D. E. (2017). Antegration and analysis of co-benefits as an efficient as an projects strategy for the future of the city: policies, conflicts and opportunities. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (1), 59–74.