Critical Review Of Current And Relevant Publications On Natural Lighting In Architecture




lighting, daylight, architecture, design


Anyone who has been in buildings constructed in the past and this can be inferred, on the one hand, the preponderance of electric lighting, and secondly, the aesthetic effects that it produces. Also in counterpart to this excess in energy consumption of the buildings is an alarming factor. In this regard, I propose that a part is required waters that establish the birth of a paradigm: the invention of electricity as architectural lighting technology. From this point, the reflection can be deeper in development issues, because according to Castells, society does not produce theory at the same rate as inventions, discoveries, or technological advances. And therefore this lack of theory also affects the architectural projection and in turn the light design of the spaces. Generating various problems of social, natural, and human nature. However, how is generated a paradigm shift? It is in the first instance to answer this question that this review proposes.


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Author Biography

Héctor Soto González, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

An architect by the Veracruzana University. He currently develops various freelance jobs for his own clients and for companies, such as REIMS Arquitectura, Tropical Robotics, and EME. Mainly they are executive projects, project presentation, workflow design, administrative management, furniture design and manufacture, corporate image, interior design, and supervision of specialized works.


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How to Cite

Soto González, H. (2018). Critical Review Of Current And Relevant Publications On Natural Lighting In Architecture. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (4), 61–75.