Code of ethics

Housing and Sustainable Communities subscribes to the code of ethics for the performance and performance of the actors involved in the publication process of this journal (editors, editorial committee, authors and reviewers) established by the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE) in English) and available at

Sustainable Housing and Communities follows the ethical norms based on international standards that are:

Editors They

  • undertake to guarantee the anonymity of authors and reviewers during the editorial process. 
  • They will ensure that all texts are reviewed by expert reviewers in their field and must ensure that the editorial process is carried out in a transparent manner. 
  • They will commit to safeguard academic freedom and objectivity, to carry out their work with efficiency and quality. 
  • If in doubt, they will consult the Editorial Board of the magazine. 

The dictators 

  • They will take care to ensure the originality of the texts and will denounce any possibility of plagiarism. 
  • The opinion of the collaborations is strictly anonymous. The reviewers must carefully review the text that has been sent to them within the established deadlines and decline if it is not considered within the scope of their competence. 
  • They agree not to disclose or use the content of an article that has not yet been published. The violation of this ethical requirement will be sanctioned. 
  • They must be fair and impartial and judge the work according to strictly academic criteria. 
  • They must be fair and impartial and judge the work according to strictly academic criteria. 

The authors 

They undertake to sign the originality letter format that they must send at the time of submitting their article and to comply with the rules of conduct stipulated below: 

  • The research work must be original and unpublished, that is, it must not have appeared in any other printed or digital medium or have been simultaneously submitted to another publishing body for consideration. An article that has been published even if it has appeared in a medium with little circulation cannot be submitted. In this case, prior approval must be obtained if dual publication is justified with solid arguments. 
  • In the event that the author proposes a translation into Spanish of a previously published text, he must substantiate its relevance. Based on this, the editors, assisted by the Editorial Board, will decide on its publication. 
  • It undertakes not to incur unjustified authorship, which consists in the inclusion as authors of people whose contributions were minimal or null in the process of preparing the text. The author agrees to give credit to the people and institutions that have supported him in any part of the process.