The bionic as a strategy for the development of sustainable products


  • Miguel Ángel Jiménez Macías University of Guadalajara, Mexico



bionics, sustainability, product development


The role of bionics in the development of sustainable products is established from the intrinsic relationship between two areas of human knowledge, biology, and technology. As a discipline of design, it contemplates the experiences generated by the phenomena in nature, and of the technologicalcal processes that emerged from human thought, like a synergistic sum that allows understanding the evolution and transformation of the environment, for find the essence of the problems raised and in this way the possible solutions will be generated. The environment becomes a challenge, the commitment to the conservation and recovery of natural capital still persists in our midst. The vision of product development has changed substantially, in these times sustainable factors are not a fad, but a necessity, which has come to transform the vision into product development. This process takes responsibility beyond just considering its production and reaching the user. Actually, the responsibility comprises the factors of production, from the extraction of the raw material to the elimination at the end of its life cycle. In this sense, the experience of bionics takes us more than the imitation of organic forms, the efficiency with which the natural models work, evolve, and adapt to apply it in the products generated to satisfy human needs, from a balanced and rational way of using the resources.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Jiménez Macías, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

He is a doctor from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. He is a professor at the University of Guadalajara and a tenured professor-researcher; He currently teaches the subjects of Product Design Principles, in the first semester; Product Design and Function, and Bionics and Design, in the third semester of the Industrial Design career; in addition, to the optional subject Experimental Design, focused on Bionics, open to students of all design orientations. He has been a professor in the master's degree in Design and Development of New Products (2011 to 2015), and professor of the inter-institutional doctorate in Architecture, Design, and Urbanism, at the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. He promoted the creation of the Experimental Laboratory of Bionics of the CUAAD / University of Guadalajara.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Macías, M. Ángel. (2019). The bionic as a strategy for the development of sustainable products. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (5), 73–92.