The double porch, the most significant typological invariantin the nineteenth-century domestic architecture of Sinaloa




traditional dwelling, domestic architecture, vernacular architecture, Sinaloa’s double porch


This paper deals with the genesis and development of the typological invariant that identifies the housing of the state of Sinaloa in the history of domestic architecture in the Sinaloan territory.  It is a subject that allows access to knowledge of the evolution of housing, based on documentary evidence and material evidence. This is done by referring to the long-term historical time at the same level as the pre-Hispanic, viceregal, and nineteenth-century structures. Here, from the typologies, the development of the space dedicated to housing throughout history is characterized. The analysis in this work is adjusted to the guidelines set by the history sciences and for consistency in the conservation of cultural heritage. Where cultural expressions are approached from every day in a sociocultural context conditioned by the isolation that determined the distance and fairness, in a society that lived in isolation and that nevertheless, at the end of the 19th century, it produced a typological constant identified as the Sinaloa double porch.


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Author Biography

Sergio Antonio Valenzuela Escalante, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico

Doctor in Architecture, Design and Urbanism from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS). Full-time professor-researcher at the UAS School of Architecture. Author of chapter 10: "The architecture of Sinaloa, from the second half of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century", and of chapter 11: "Architecture in Sinaloa during the Porfiriato", of the thematic History of Sinaloa, fourth volume: Art and Culture, published in 2015. Among other distinctions received for their professional work in the field of conservation of urban and architectural heritage, the following stand out: Recognition in the area of ​​Architecture "The Night of the Suns", in 1995. Distinction that again had in 2002 during "The XXII Night of the Suns." He also received the Recognition of University Merit 2002-2003. And in 2008 the National INAH 2008 Francisco de la Maza Prize, in Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage, for the best master's thesis: Typological and morphological study of urban and architectural remains of El Fuerte, Sinaloa. An alternative for its conservation.    


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How to Cite

Valenzuela Escalante, S. A. (2019). The double porch, the most significant typological invariantin the nineteenth-century domestic architecture of Sinaloa. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (6), 31–53.