Housing and promotion for the majority

Horacio Berretta Primera Edición 1987 EDITORIAL HVMANITAS Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Housing, as it is presented today in the formal production system and its promotion by the different economic means, is and has been different from the majority social production housing and, of course, its promotion over time, what which suggests that society, in its stratification, exalts differences in humans, minimizing the statements of the rights of all, and more of the majority groups, so that each initiative would be to strengthen the intention to provide housing for all it remains at the level of official rhetorical discourse of any country, at least Latin American. This situation has always been repeated cyclically in the so-called developing countries. However, in our country, Mexico, given the offer of the fourth transformation, arises, like what Horacio Berretta mentioned more than 30 years ago in Buenos Aires, from the Experimental Center for Economic Housing, as a hope that addresses the problem of housing and habitat based on the most elementary concepts of ancestral organization of the majority, self-construction and mutual aid, with the promise of legislating in favor of the materialization of their effort, accounting for the most abundant resource among the poor, their labor force, and their cultural features, supported in a democratic treatment of the habitat and the proper and appropriate technological development that encompasses the material resources of the local and regional context.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Nolasco, G. (2019). Housing and promotion for the majority: Horacio Berretta Primera Edición 1987 EDITORIAL HVMANITAS Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (5), 111–112. Retrieved from https://revistavivienda.cuaad.udg.mx/index.php/rv/article/view/120