Social housing sustainability indicators in Tabasco, Mexico
socialo housing, sustainability, urban quality, habitabilityAbstract
The current home must meet the indicated and institutionally regulated habitability conditions. Many instruments have been developed in Mexico on applied sustainability indices for social housing, including Hipoteca Verde of Infonavit and housing nama. The objective of this research is to identify and evaluate the variables and sus- tainability indices in three social interest neighborhoods in Comalcalco. Tabasco. It begins from general theoretical concepts and normative of social housing, based on the categories established in the nama until indicators are analyzed in each one. The method used corresponds to a deductive research with a qualitative approach and descriptive scope. Field visits and documentary review were carried out for the construction of graphics and thematic cartographies to facilitate visual analysis and dimensional understanding of the problem. Results show a low incidence and attention of the indicators, in a general way it is observed that the aspects most ful lled are qua- lity of urban environment and the aspects least ful lled are environmental quality, but it should be noted that no variable was consistent to be considered as an indicator of sustainability. Results allow evaluating and verifying the opportunity elds for possible actions, regulations, and programs in housing developments in order to add to the diagnoses carried out by other organizations such as Sedatu and the municipality’s Public Works Department to improve the habitability of the home.Metrics
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