Hydrological and Hydraulic Modeling of the Managementof Urban Rainwater in the Upper Part of the San Juan de Dios River Sub-basin, Guadalajara, Jalisco


  • Esmeralda Berenice Mendoza González University of Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Sergio Esteban Aldana Alonso University of Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Carlos Castolo Ramírez University of Guadalajara, Mexico




water cycle, basin, storm water management, EPA-SWMM


Urban storm water in the upstream of San Juan de Dios River Sub-basin is managed in an unsustainable planning of the natural water cycle and the urban water system´s performance. For this reason, this article aims, through a hydrological and hydraulic simulation, to make a comparison of storm water´s behavior under the current urban conditions and under a hydrological restorated scenario. This is done with the purpose of evaluating the impacts and benefits implied in each modeled scenario. This research has evolved since 2011 with an urban hydrological restoration point of view. The Storm Water Management Model 5.1 (swmm 5.1) is used for the hydrological and hydraulic modeling of storm water runoff in the upstream of San Juan de Dios River Sub-basin in Jalisco, México. According to this simulation, partial restoration of hydrological cycle was achieved through the implementation of lid technologies and the optimization of the urban water system performance, considering a 72 mm precipitation in a period of four hours. Results are visualized by analyzing the behavior of “El Deán” Storage Unit, which under the current urban conditions has suffered a significant outflow caused by the high storm water runoff and floods in the zone of study. In the other hand, under restored hydrological conditions, “El Deán” Storage Unit remains stable.


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Author Biographies

Esmeralda Berenice Mendoza González, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

2017- Student of the master's degree in processes and graphic expression in urban architectural design. 2016-2014. Volunteer and Scholar at the Water Technological Research Institute Graduate Arturo Gleason Santana A.C. Main activities: Scientific research. Preparation of hydrological studies. Drafting and management of a patent. Logistics and operation of cultural events. Bachelor's and Master's thesis adviser. Document Review. Administrative activities. Among others. 2015 August-November. Research assistant in the program for the improvement of the production conditions of the members of the National System of Researchers (SNI) and the National System of Art Creators (SNCA) (PROSNO 2015). Main activities: Support to Dr. José Arturo Gleason Espíndola in the review, writing and analysis of scientific research documents.  

Sergio Esteban Aldana Alonso, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Civil Engineer from the University of Guadalajara (UDG, 2016), Executive Director of the Mexican Association of Rainwater Harvesting Systems (AMSCALL, 2018-2019); Consultant in computational hydrodynamic modeling, monitoring, and restoration of urban basins at the Technological Research Institute of Water Lic. Arturo Gleason Santana A.C. (2014-2019) and in the National Laboratory for Housing and Sustainable Communities (LNVCS) of CONACyT (2017-2019).  


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How to Cite

Mendoza González, E. B., Aldana Alonso, S. E., & Castolo Ramírez, C. (2017). Hydrological and Hydraulic Modeling of the Managementof Urban Rainwater in the Upper Part of the San Juan de Dios River Sub-basin, Guadalajara, Jalisco. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (2), 83–104. https://doi.org/10.32870/rvcs.v0i2.22