Methodological framework to move towards a Basic Ecotechnological Housing


  • Belen Olaya-Garcia IIES-UNAM
  • Sara Eugenia Navia Espinoza Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  • Omar Raul Macera Cerutti Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico



precarious housing, sustainable housing, transdisciplinary, ecotechnology, Social Production of Habitat


The improvement of precarious housing can be done, on the one hand, through self-construction, which can cause an increase in the negative impacts of housing on the environment, health, or well-being of its inhabitants if it is done without the knowledge or necessary technical support. On the other hand, the implementation of projects through NGOs or government sectors, which are not always aligned with the reality of the context or with the needs and priorities of the user families and their communities. Given this, a methodological framework is defined that integrates the needs of the different actors related to housing, evaluates their situation, and allows a series of decisions to be made on the strategies to be implemented to advance toward the sustainability of precarious housing in a collaborative manner. The Methodological Framework is created to move towards a Basic Ecotechnological Housing (VIVE Framework) with four phases and 10 steps that order the diagnosis, evaluation, design, and implementation, with monitoring and an iterative process that will allow the monitoring and evolution of the houses. This framework allows addressing the complexity of the habitat through participatory tools and trans-disciplinary work.


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Author Biographies

Belen Olaya-Garcia, IIES-UNAM

Institute for Research in Ecosystems and Sustainability, National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is coordinator of the Working Group on Ecotechnological Housing (VIVE-GIEB), within the Institute for Research on Ecosystems and Sustainability (IIES), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is an architect, a teacher in Strategies and Technologies for Development, and a doctoral candidate in Sustainability Sciences from UNAM.

Sara Eugenia Navia Espinoza, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Institute for Research in Ecosystems and Sustainability. National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is an architect, a teacher in architecture, development and sustainability from UNAM, a project technician at VIVE-GIEB (IIES-UNAM) and collaborates as a researcher in the Interdisciplinary Group of Appropriate Rural Technology (GIRA A.C.). She is an assistant professor at the ENES Morelia. His main lines of research focus on sustainability, vernacular and bioclimatic architecture.

Omar Raul Macera Cerutti, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Institute for Research in Ecosystems and Sustainability. National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is the general coordinator of the Ecotechnological Innovation and Bioenergy Group (GIEB) and Senior Researcher at IIES, UNAM. He is a physicist, teacher and doctor in Energy and Natural Resources. He works on issues of eco-technological innovation, sustainability and climate change mitigation and has received various national and international awards, including the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as part of the IPCC and the 2015 National University Award in the area of ​​Technological Innovation.  


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How to Cite

Olaya-Garcia, B., Navia Espinoza, S. E. ., & Macera Cerutti, O. R. . (2023). Methodological framework to move towards a Basic Ecotechnological Housing. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (13), 177–198.