Architecture Of The 20th Century In The Patrimonial Inventory Of Quito


  • Santiago Camacho Aguirre Central University of Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Mauricio González González Central University of Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Marco Antonio Medina Ortega University of Guadalajara, Mexico



architecture, identity, patrimonial inventory, modernity, symbolic production


The modern architectural heritage of Quito has not been identified, evaluated or protected. The Metropolitan Institute of the Patrimony of Quito has preselected 125 architectural objects, but none is included in the protected nal catalog. The present investigation makes a review of the basic principles of modernity from global visions to review them directed towards a Lat- in American perspective from the point of view of Bolivar Echeverria and other Latin American authors in order to determine the need to define with more precision the parameters of evaluation of the properties to be patrimonized. At present, the Metropolitan Institute of Patrimony does not have the theoretical or critical tools to carry out this task, the product of a deep knowledge gap in the subject of local modernity. In addition, as it is exposed in the article several of the buildings currently patrimoniadas that belong to the stage already of modernity in the city do not have a theoretical endorsement that guarantees their patrimonial quality. Therefore, there is evidence of the need to study the particularities of modernism in terms of local cultural expression as a premise and basis for subsequent identification, assessment, and protection of the modern heritage of the city.


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Author Biographies

Santiago Camacho Aguirre, Central University of Ecuador, Ecuador

Architect from the Central University of Ecuador, Specialist in Architecture from the Central University of Ecuador. Master in Architectural Design from the Central University of Ecuador. Postgraduate in Architecture and Sustainable Urbanism from the University of Buenos Aires. PhD Candidate for the PhD Program in City, Territory and Sustainability of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Coordinator of the Degree Unit of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Central University of Ecuador. 19 years of professional experience in architectural design and construction projects, both in the residential field, mass housing, design of pharmaceutical and scientific laboratories, and institutional architecture. City of Quito Ornament Award. 2005.

Mauricio González González, Central University of Ecuador, Ecuador

Architect from the Central University of Ecuador, Specialist in Architecture from the Central University of Ecuador. Master in Architectural Design from the Central University of Ecuador. Postgraduate in Architecture and Sustainable Urbanism from the University of Buenos Aires. PhD Candidate for the Ph.D. Program in City, Territory, and Sustainability of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Ten years of professional experience in architecture and urbanism projects, specializing in the rehabilitation and recycling of heritage architecture, institutional architecture, and hotel architecture. Consultant for various public and private institutions in architecture and urbanism projects, b.

Marco Antonio Medina Ortega, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Professor-Researcher attached to the Department of Regional Studies-INESER CUCEA-University of Guadalajara), graduated in Geography from the University of Guadalajara, Master in Regional Development from El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and PhD in City, Territory and Sustainability from the University of Guadalajara.


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How to Cite

Camacho Aguirre, S., González González, M., & Medina Ortega, M. A. (2018). Architecture Of The 20th Century In The Patrimonial Inventory Of Quito. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (4), 35–43.