An overview on urban heat island and its particularities in Mexican desert regions




urban heat island, deserts, mitigation strategies


The urban heat island phenomenon is one of the main problems of cities in the 21st century. The increase of urban temperatures above the adjacent rural temperatures has negative impacts on inhabitants and increases the adverse effects of global warming. With very hot climatic conditions in desert cities, this effect magnifies the problem with even higher temperatures. This paper describes the causes and effects of the urban heat island in general, and it focuses on the phenomenon that takes place in desert cities, where the balance of heat flows has particular characteristics. Some research on this phenomenon in Mexican cities are described, highlighting the method used for the studies and the results obtained. Finally, possible mitigation strategies for the phenomenon are synthesized and described, specifying the problem or the advantages for its application in desert cities.


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Author Biography

Irene Marincic Lovriha, University of Sonora, Mexico

Full-time professor-researcher, for an indefinite period, "C" level, Department of Architecture and Design of the University of Sonora. Doctor in Road, Canal and Port Engineering (Civil Engineering). Doctoral Program: “Research Areas in Construction and Energy in Architecture”, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, ​​Spain. He belongs to the National System of Researchers (SNI) level II.


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How to Cite

Marincic Lovriha, I. (2022). An overview on urban heat island and its particularities in Mexican desert regions. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (12), 9–25.