Economic Benefits Of Implementing A Rain Water Collection System At The University Of Guadalajara




sustainability, rainwater harvesting, economic benefit


Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable technology that is currently considered as an alternative method for water supply, through which it seeks to reduce the impact of economic and social development of communities on the environment within which they develop and try to prevent environmental problems. In this sense, the economic benefits are estimated by the implementation of a Rainwater Collection System in the postgraduate building of the University Center of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Guadalajara. It is obtained that the economic benefits for said installation are $ 13,132.15 Mexican pesos per year, without taking into account the contributions to environmental matters.


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Author Biographies

Ulises Osbaldo de la Cruz Guzmán, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

He has a degree in economics from the University of Guadalajara, a Master's in business administration from the same university and a doctoral student in city, territory and sustainability at CUAAD. Full-time professor at CUCEA.

José Arturo Gleason Espíndola, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Ph.D. in Urban Planning from UNAM, a Master's in Public Management from the University of Guadalajara, and a Civil Engineer from the University Center for Exact Sciences and Engineering at the University of Guadalajara. Member of the International Association for Rainwater Harvesting with Headquarters in New Delhi, India, and member of the World Collaboration Council for Water Supply and Sanitation, a UNO organization with headquarters in Bern, Switzerland. Researcher at the University of Guadalajara and representative of the International Rainwater Catchment Systems Association and Gleason Consulting.


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How to Cite

de la Cruz Guzmán, U. O., & Gleason Espíndola, J. A. (2018). Economic Benefits Of Implementing A Rain Water Collection System At The University Of Guadalajara. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (4), 11–20.